These companies are responsible for transporting passengers while respecting the level of service quality set by Île-de-France Mobilités. They are also responsible for maintenance of infrastructure and equipment, ensuring the safety of passengers, maintaining the cleanliness of stations, providing a variety of services in stations (ticket sales, passenger information, etc.) and carrying out maintenance and modernisation work on the lines for which they are responsible. More than 100,000 people work across the region every day to provide this public service.
9.8 billion euros were spent on the operation of public transport in 2018.
Fare revenue, public support for operational costs and taxes allocated to Île-de-France Mobilités for public transport in Île-de-France amounted to 10.5 billion euros in 2018.
Within this amount, 9.8 billion euros are operating expenses.
- 81% of these expenses relate to Île-de-France Mobilités contracts with RATP and SNCF.
- The remaining 19% covers the operating expenses of the operators of the 1,300 bus routes in the inner suburbs and school transport, as well as the operating expenses of Île-de-France Mobilités.
These expenses primarily cover the expenses related to the operation of the networks. They also partly finance investments via depreciation on assets (modernisation of the network, renewal of rolling stock, etc.).
Employers in the Ile-de-France region are the primary funders of the transport system and provide 52% of operating resources: via a transport payment, a payroll tax the proceeds of which are allocated to Île-de-France Mobilités, and by reimbursing 50% of their employees’ Navigo travel cards.
Income from tickets represents 38% of resources. After deduction of the share paid by employers and local authorities, passengers’ share corresponds to 27% of income.
Other income is mainly from contributions from Île-de-France Mobilités member communities: the Île-de-France Region, the City of Paris and the departments of the Île-de-France region.
The major financial contributions are summarised in this diagram (here in 2018):

- Concours publics : 1 850 M€ dont 2 176 M€ de contributions statuaires des collectivités membres d'Île-de-France Mobilités; 114 M€ de la Région (action sociale); 191 M€ des départements (action sociale); 163 M€ de dotations de dotations et de compensations de l'Etat; 106 M€ de subventions d'exploitation des départements, communes et EPCI.
- Recette tarifaire : 3 984 M€ dont 180 M€ du concours public, 2 833 M€ des voyageurs, 971 M€ des employeurs.
- Versement transport : 4 457 M€
- Autres recettes (publicité, contraventions, ...) : 260 M€
Soit 10 464 M€, qui sont utilisés de la façon suivante :
9 810 M€ pour
- la RATP et SNCF en charge de l'exploitation et programmes d'investissement dans le cadre des contrats avec Île-de-France Mobilités : RATP (50%) et SCNF) (31%)
- Autres opérateurs (bus et transports scolaires) : 14%
- Île-de-France Mobilités : charges de fonctionnement (5%); dépenses d'investissement (5%)
Et 654 M€ affectés aux dépenses d'investissement d'Île-de-France Mobilités