How do I report a lost item on public transport?

The process for reporting a lost or found item may vary depending on the operators managing the line or the station where you lost or found the item. If the station you're in has a service desk, the simplest way is to go there directly for help. Otherwise, several options are available. However, it's important to note that Île-de-France Mobilités or the operators cannot be held responsible for the loss or theft of an item in the Île-de-France transport network. Additionally, the loss or theft of a smartphone does not constitute a reason for the refund or replacement of the tickets loaded on it.

RATP (metro network):

If you've lost an item on the RATP network, fill out this form ( to post it on the RATP website. If the item is found, you will receive a notification and can retrieve the item at a station or the lost and found services of the police prefecture. If you've found an item, please hand it directly to a station agent.

A phone number is also available for lost items: 3246 (€0.80/min + local call price).

SNCF (train/RER network):

If you've lost an item on the SNCF network, fill out this form to notify the SNCF lost and found service. If the item is found, you will receive a notification and can retrieve the item at the station (where the item was lost or the arrival station of the train, if lost on board) or it may be delivered to your home (shipping costs at your expense). Retrieving the item requires presenting an ID and paying a restitution fee of €5 or €10, covering handling charges. Note: you have 30 days to retrieve your item; after this period, it will be destroyed or donated to a charity. If you've found an item, please hand it directly to a station agent.

Bus networks:

If you've lost an item on a bus, you first need to identify which operator manages the line. To do this, go to the "Schedules" section of the Île-de-France Mobilités website and select the bus line of interest. Click "Search" (you don't need to fill in the stop and carrier fields), and the name of your carrier (Keolis, Croix Savac, RATP, Transdev, etc.) will be displayed.

For carriers La Croix Savac, RATP, Transdev: contact us directly through this link.

For other carriers Keolis, etc.: fill out the form directly on their website.