Ile-de-France Mobilités commissioned its Open Data site in 2015, it allows data from Ile-de-France Mobilités, and all public transport operators in the region (75 companies), to be brought together in a single website, including mobility information such as self-service bicycles, carsharing or eventually carpooling.
Open Data
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Ile-de-France transport data is accessible via the Ile-de-France Mobilités (formerly STIF) Open Data website.
Use the data to add value, promote innovation and allow all citizens to access data:
- Make greater use of mobility data to promote reuse that will improve information and its consistency, as well as the attractiveness and use of transport networks. Ile-de-France Mobilités hopes that passengers will be able to benefit from this approach in the long term, through the quality of applications and the new uses that will be offered.
- Foster innovation by making quality data available and easily accessible. Ile-de-France Mobilités, in partnership with transport operators, is committed to making quality datasets from the region openly available and regularly updated.
- Allow everyone (residents, journalists, researchers, entrepreneurs, developers, etc.) to access unified mobility data for the entire Ile-de-France region. Ile-de-France Mobilités working in concert with stakeholders (Optile, RATP, SNCF, Ville de Paris, etc.) to ensure the consistency of the regional system.

Several dozen datasets are currently offered in the form of free raw data:
- structure of the transport network (benchmarks for routes and stops),
- timetables,
- bus stations,
- P&R,
- Véligo spaces,
- description and price of transport tickets,
- electronic ticketing validation data,
- self-service bike stations (Vélib’, VélO2 and Cristolib),
- Autolib’ stations and spaces in Paris,
- etc.