Photo du parking vélo de la Gare de l'Est
The “Parkings Vélos Ile-de-France Mobilités” bike parks guarantee a high-quality bicycle parking space that is easily identifiable near stations.
What is the Ile-de-France Mobilités bicycle parking service?
There are two types of bike park known as “Parkings Vélos Ile-de-France Mobilités” near stations:
- Sheltered free-access spaces with a three-point bicycle locking station, for free secure cycle parking;
- Closed and secure lockers, accessible with the Navigo pass or a travel card. The majority of these spaces also have CCTV. Some lockers also have charging sockets for electric bikes, lockers for a bag or tyre pumps.
An interactive map to find your bike park
To find a bike park near your station and to sign up for a locker, have a look at the interactive map below: click on the Bicycle Parking of your choice, then on “Abonnez-vous” (Sign up).
Find your bike park
For information or to sign up, please contact the operator of the locker: contact details of the operator and sign up by clicking, from the map, on a location and on “Abonnez-vous” (Sign up).
Tips: how to keep your bike secure
Some practical tips for safely parking your bike:
- Choose a good padlock, preferable a U-shaped lock, which are the most secure.
- Lock your bike:
- ALWAYS LOCK IT even in a secure bike park and for a short period.
- FASTEN IT AT THE FRAME and at the front wheel (easier to steal) to a fixed point with the key lock facing down.
- A REAR WHEEL LOCK provides additional security.
- Have your bike engraved with a code: BICYCODE® marking consists of engraving a unique number on your bike which will make it easier to return your bike to you in the event of loss or theft. For more information, visit: www.bicycode.org
More information on Bicycle Parking
Bike parks are financed by Ile-de-France Mobilités and deployed by local authorities or by transport operators (SNCF or RATP). Today, nearly 8,000 secure or free-access bike spaces are available near stations in Ile-de-France.
From the end of 2020, Ile-de-France Mobilités plans to make 4,000 free secure parking spaces available for Navigo Annual, Imagine R and Senior pass holders. This is to promote greater intermodal transport by encouraging residents to use bicycles in addition to public transport, without having to worry about finding a secure place.
With its new bicycle parking master plan revised in February 2020, Ile-de-France Mobilités has decided to increase by a factor five the number of available bicycle parking spaces, with 100,000 planned by 2030:
- 50,000 spaces by 2025, with all stations equipped with free parking and half of the stations equipped with closed and secure parking,
- 100,000 spaces by 2030, with all stations equipped with both free parking and closed and secure parking.