I am a person with reduced mobility, how do I get to my competition venue?

Find here all the information concerning the accessibility of public transport in Île-de-France.

Accessible shuttle service for those with a PFR competition ticket (person in a wheelchair) and PSH (person with a disability)  

If, when purchasing your ticket for one or more events, you indicated that you are a wheelchair user, a link to the reservation center was sent to you. With this link, you can book a shuttle to take you directly to your competition venue. All the information about these shuttles is already available

Note: This service is charged and not included in the purchase of a Paris 2024 Pass.  

Find all the information about this service on the designated page. 

Accessibility at competition venues: 

You will find directly in your itinerary, on the Public Transport Paris 2024 app as well as on the Île-de-France Mobilités website, the map of the competition venue you are heading to. This map is available in a downloadable PDF format and indicates the various entrances accessible to PRM (Persons with Reduced Mobility)/ Wheelchair Users. Note: The format of the document does not allow it to be accessible to visually impaired persons. 

Find here all the information concerning the accessibility of public transport in Île-de-France